Investor relations

Supplier Code of Conduct

We require our suppliers to meet our standards on ethical business conduct, employee and labor rights, the environment, and care for local communities.

To ensure that our suppliers respect standards related to social and environmental impact, Grieg Seafood has established requirements to be followed. Accordingly, it is demanded that our suppliers set equivalent requirements for their suppliers and subcontractors.

Legislation and human rights

Grieg Seafood follow ethical standards, applicable laws and regulations. We support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in our operations.

All suppliers to Grieg Seafood shall comply with applicable laws and regulations governing their activities in countries where they operate at any time.

Grieg Seafood is signatory to UN’s Global Compact. The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact principles must be followed by all our suppliers1. All suppliers shall procure that their supply chain is acting accordingly.

In particular, all suppliers, sub-suppliers and sub-contractors shall:

  • support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
  • ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining (including, but not limited to, wages, working hours and working conditions);
  • eliminate of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  • effectively abolish child labour;
  • eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation;
  • support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  • undertake initiatives to promote greater environmentally responsibility;
  • encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies; and
  • actively work against corruption in all its form, including extortion and bribery.

Suppliers are encouraged to embrace diversity among their employees. Grieg Seafood do not tolerate any discrimination related to race, ethnicity, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion or any other characteristic. Our suppliers shall follow the same zero-tolerance approach. All activities shall be conducted with respect for individuals and without discrimination.

All suppliers shall be committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and handle personal data responsibly and in compliance with applicable laws.

No supplier may instigate, invite to or accept services that conflicts with applicable legislation, directly or through an intermediary.

Norwegian transparency act

Grieg Seafood operates in compliance with the Norwegian Transparency Act, and we expect that all suppliers respect fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. We require collaboration regarding risk assessment from suppliers in our supply chain and encourage all suppliers to establish a human rights policy. We expect all suppliers to implement risk evaluation of human rights violation in their supply chain.

Any suspected human rights violation in our supply chain shall be addressed to Grieg Seafood.

Anti – corruption

Grieg Seafood have zero-tolerance for all forms of fraud, corruption, facilitation payments, kickbacks, bribery and other misconduct.

Grieg Seafood will only conduct business with reputable suppliers involved in legitimate business activities with funds derived from legitimate sources.

All suppliers to Grieg Seafood shall adhere to the same principles. They have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure they are not knowingly providing support in a transaction involving fraud, corruption or anti-money laundering.

Health and Safety

In Grieg Seafood, we never compromise on health and safety. We have azero-tolerance philosophy regarding accidents.

Health and safety are serious and important matters for Grieg Seafood. We work systematically to safeguard our employees’ health, safety and working environment.

All suppliers to Grieg Seafood shall provide a safe and healthy environment for their workers and contractors. Worker’s exposure to potential safety hazards shall be minimized.

All suppliers to Grieg Seafood shall comply with all relevant health and safety regulations, provide appropriate safety training and necessary equipment to their workers, as well as develop and communicate emergency response plans. They shall immediately notice Grieg Seafood of any damage, injury, or threat to persons or property while working for Grieg Seafood.

All suppliers to Grieg Seafood shall identify potential hazard associated with the work they perform and continually monitor and evaluate their safety performance. They are responsible for working towards the same standard in their supply chain.

Food safety

In Grieg Seafood, we never compromise on consumer health and food safety related to our products. We manage food safety risks across the value chain with the end-consumer in mind and expect suppliers in our value chain to do the same.

All suppliers to Grieg Seafood of raw materials, equipment or services that can affect food safety in any way, shall comply with relevant food safety requirements, included but not limited to documentation, traceability, hygienic design, unwanted substances, good hygiene and manufacturing practices and systems for early warning/recall.

In the case of incidents, changed conditions or loss of certificates/approvals that can affect food safety in our end-products, supplier shall notify Grieg Seafood without undue delay.

The environment

In Grieg Seafood, we care about the footprint we leave behind us. Our vision “Rooted in nature – farming the ocean for a better future” describes how we intend to run our operations. We work continuously for improvement within fish health and welfare, as well as to protect biodiversity and nature. We are committed to The Paris Agreement through Science Based Targets, a deforestation free supply chain, and strive to adapt a circular-based economy.

All suppliers to Grieg Seafood shall minimize their impact on the environment, both in sea and air. Impacts may include, but are not limited to, pollution, leakage of chemicals, nutrient salts, plastic, fish escapes, use of limited resources, deforestation, land-use change and freshwater use. Fish health and welfare, as well as protection of wildlife must be highly respected. Our suppliers are expected to identify and monitor their environmental impact and to implement measures where needed.

Grieg Seafood evaluate climate and social impact in all relevant procurement processes. Our preferred suppliers are setting ambitious climate targets, conduct annual climate accounting, search for product designs in line with the principles of a circular economy and work towards the same goals in their supply chain. The suppliers’ performance on these criteria will have significant effect for tender evaluation and awarding of contracts.

Care for local communities

Grieg Seafood value our local communities and aim to contribute to local development and local value creation. It is important for us that our suppliers share the same attitude.

Grieg Seafood respects and recognizes the special rights of Indigenous Peoples. We require our suppliers to do the same.

Open, honest and trustworthy

Grieg Seafood's conduct, when working with suppliers and customers, will be reliable, honest and trustworthy. We aim to provide complete, timely and accurate information to the public, our shareholders and our business partners.

We expect our supplier adhere to the same rules and to conduct their operations in a sustainable manner.

1The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. For more information please be referred to