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Corporate governance
Grieg Seafood believes that strong corporate governance is an essential element in achieving our overall objectives and acting as a responsible organization.
Governing principles
Our vision “Rooted in nature – farming the ocean for a better future” demonstrates our commitment to corporate responsibility by operating profitably and sustainably in a manner that conforms with fundamental ethical norms and respect for the individual, society and the environment.
The shareholders are the owners of the company, and the General Meeting, which all shareholders are invited to attend, is the supreme governing body of the company. The General Meeting provides instructions to the Nomination Committee, which safeguards shareholders’ interests by nominating Board members to be elected by the General Meeting. The Board of Directors is setting the strategy and overseeing the conduct and management of Grieg Seafood.
Corporate governance
Operating with integrity
Our corporate governance is the basis for the practical work of the governing bodies of Grieg Seafood and underpins shareholders confidence in Grieg Seafood.
Principles of Corporate Governance
Articles of Associations
Executive renumeration (PDF)
Risk management (PDF)
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General Meeting
Grieg Seafood will arrange for its shareholders to be able to exercise their shareholder rights at the Annual General Meeting, which ranks at the top of our corporate governance structure. All our shareholders are entitled to submit items to the annual meeting's agenda, to meet, speak and vote.
Event Subject
Date - time
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Annual General Meeting
Jun 19, 2024 - 8:00
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Jun 19, 2024 - 8:00
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Group policies
The materiality assessment is fundamental to our holistic and integrated reporting. The topics listed under our pillars is identified as important to our organization and our stakeholders, and is covered by group policies. Find an overview of our pillars, targets and Group policies here.
In addition to a range of stakeholder input, ESG assessment bodies inform the assessment. See the feedback we have received from different ESG assessment bodies here.
You can learn more about our principles and how we work to improve in different areas on our global website.
Finance & Compliance
Internal control
Our processes, routines, reports, measurements and systems will help us to achieve our objectives and to enforce compliance. As salmon farming is a highly regulated industry, we are subject to strict standards for fish welfare, environmental impact, food production and production equipment. We must also comply with operational requirements related to the use of medicines and chemicals, biomass levels, sea lice levels, density and water quality, amongst others. We report regularly to authorities, for instance, on biomass levels, sea lice levels, disease outbreaks and mortality for salmon and cleaner fish. We are also subject to regular inspections and audited from local, national and international stakeholder groups and authorities.