Share & bond

Share information

Grieg Seafood ASA is a public limited company, incorporated in accordance with Norwegian law. Grieg Seafood was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange on 21 June 2007, under the ticker GSF. We have one class of shares. All shares have equal rights and are freely transferable.

Market data is at least 15 minutes delayed. All prices are presented in NOK.
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Stock exchange filings

As a listed company, Grieg Seafood discloses information to the Oslo Stock Exchange. The disclosures can also be found here.


The shareholder list below is based on the Norwegian Central Securities Depository’s share register, and is updated daily.

Treasury shares

At the Annual General Meeting in June 2023, the Board of Directors was granted the authorization to let Grieg Seafood acquire its own shares as it is considered beneficial to the shareholders. The Board is authorized to let the Company acquire its own shares to an aggregate nominal value of NOK 45 378 816 in accordance with the provisions of chapter 9 of the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act. 2. The Company shall pay no less than NOK 4 per share and no more than NOK 240 per share when acquiring its own shares. It is at the Board’s discretion to determine the way in which it acquires and sells the shares. General principles of equality of treatment shall be applied in relation to shareholders. If the nominal value of the shares change during the period of validity of the authorization, the parameters of the authorization shall be changed correspondingly. This authorization shall remain in force until the next Annual General Meeting, but no later than 30 June 2024.

Currently, the Company has 1 313 654 treasury shares.

At the Annual General Meeting in June 2023, the Board was also granted the authorization to increase the Company’s share capital by an amount not exceeding NOK 45 378 816 through the issue of up to 11 344 704 new shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 4, cf. the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act, Sections 10-14. This authorization is valid until 30 June 2024.


We aim to provide our shareholders with a competitive return on invested capital. Dividend will be evaluated twice a year. Dividends will reflect the Group's expected long-term earnings, free cash flows and growth investments. The Group’s dividend payout should, over time, amount to 30-40% of the Group's net profit after tax before fair value adjustments of biological assets (limited to 50% by Green Bond agreement), for the preceding fiscal year.

The bond

Grieg Seafood Green Finance Framework (update 2024)

Grieg Seafood has published an updated Green Finance Framework that enables the continued issuance of green debt instruments in line with the latest market practices.

Grieg Seafood’s Green Finance Framework has received an updated independent second party opinion from S&P Global Ratings, verifying its credibility and alignment with the Green Loan Principles 2023 and Green Bond Principles 2021.

Grieg Seafood Green Finance Framework

S&P Second Party Opinion


Grieg Seafood Green Bond

Grieg Seafood ASA completed a senior unsecured green bond issue of
NOK 1 000 million in June 2020, with maturity date 25 June 2025.

In November 2020, a tap issue of NOK 500 million was made, bringing the total amount of the green bond to NOK 1 500 million.

Green Bond Report 2021

Green Bond Report 2020

Grieg Seafood Green Bond Framework

Second opinion by CICERO Center for International Climate Research

Grieg Seafood Bond Investor Presentation June 2020

Grieg Seafood Bond Investor Presentation November 2020

Base Prospectus

Final Terms tranche 1

Supplement 1

Final Terms tranche 2

Supplement 2

Analyst coverage

We voluntarily apply a “silent period” two weeks prior to earnings release. During the two-week period, we limit our interaction with members of the investor community.

Investment Bank
ABG Sundal Collier
Martin Kaland
Arctic Securities
Christian Nordby
Philip Scrase
Henrik Knutsen
Investment Bank
ABG Sundal Collier
Contact information
Martin Kaland
Arctic Securities
Contact information
Christian Nordby
Contact information
Philip Scrase
Contact information
Henrik Knutsen

Subscription centre

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